Dangerous tumour ravages man’s mouth, eyes

The last time Mr. James Ogbonnaya ate solid food was in December 2010. As a result of a deadly cancerous tumour, the 50-year-old man who hails from Ututu, Arochukwu in Abia State now feeds like a toddler. Since January, he had been living on only milk.

According to him, his problem began in 2009 with an itching tongue, which gradually extended to his head. With it came a terrible headache. After months of sleepless nights, Ogbonnaya was said to have noticed a tiny lump under his jaw and thought he had found the source of his problem, naturally believing his problem was half solved. But, that was not to be as the mystery tumour further ravaged his mouth, tongue and eyes.

A medical report from Dr. Ufere Anthony, Chief Medical Director, New Covenant Clinic, indicates that the patient commenced treatment right from when the itching started. “ But when he was not responding to treatment, I had to refer him to ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat). From there, he went to the Military Hospital, Yaba and later to LUTH. The nature of his ailment is that of tumour cancer. But it has been difficult here in Nigeria to say it is this or that kind of cancer. His case is a cancer affecting the whole bubal cavity and presently, the problem has started sending some metastasis to the eye.

“However, LUTH has recommended that he goes to India for treatment and the cost of treatment was put at six million naira. This is expected to take care of the surgery and other sundry treatments, including accommodation and an accompanying relative. So, we are appealing to Nigerians to come to his aid,” he said.
Mrs. Ogbonnaya said she could be reached on 0803 355 7270, 0805 638 0924.
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